
Cordon Sanitaire

Cordon Sanitaire

A Sanitary Cord when used as part of a fumigation, is a preparation of the area to be fumigated using special formulas for that purpose. This maximizes the results of the fumigation by prolonging pest control for a period of time after the fumigation, helping to delay any return of pests or increasing the effectiveness of both services.

Sanitary cordon service by spraying liquid insecticide (deltamethrin), thermo-nebulization with deltamethrin, using a polymer as a means of transport and water-based, for interiors and exteriors, as well as application of cypermethrin powder for aeration ducts and exterior areas. The spray is applied with gasoline engine, backpack or parihuela type sprinklers.

The thermonebulization, the SWIN FOG thermonebulizer equipment is used, using the polymer and water plus the insecticide to form a mist at the place of application.

Cypermethrin powder is applied by means of a gasoline engine backpack, forming an insecticide dust cloud.

Direct spraying with Deltamethrin on sack pallets, it can be applied on the floor, walls and roof of warehouses and outside as a sanitary cord. The treatment should be repeated periodically every 15 days, depending on the infestation.

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Guaranteed Effectiveness

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